Came across the gargoyle below and it made me think of the importance of lists in our lives.

There are to-do lists, grocery lists, honey-do lists, and of course, commandments. Below are a few of my favorite lists. Perhaps this is the first time that core tenants of a major religion and an agility handling system have been presented side-by-side. I’m pretty sure it’s not the first time that one has been confused for the other though… So, without further ado, I present to you the lists:
Four Noble Truths
1. The truth of suffering (we get attached to things that can change, and when they do, we suffer
2. The truth of the origin of suffering (we crave the things we are attached to)
3. The truth of the cessation of suffering (there is a way to end suffering)
4. The truth of the path to end suffering (follow the 8 fold path)
Eight Fold Path
1. Right view
2. Right thought
3. Right speech
4. Right action
5. Right livelihood
6. Right effort
7. Right mindfulness
8. Right concentration
Five Precepts
1. Don't kill
2. Don't steal
3. Don't engage in sexual misconduct
4. Don't lie
5. Don't drink in excess*

There are to-do lists, grocery lists, honey-do lists, and of course, commandments. Below are a few of my favorite lists. Perhaps this is the first time that core tenants of a major religion and an agility handling system have been presented side-by-side. I’m pretty sure it’s not the first time that one has been confused for the other though… So, without further ado, I present to you the lists:
Four Noble Truths
1. The truth of suffering (we get attached to things that can change, and when they do, we suffer
2. The truth of the origin of suffering (we crave the things we are attached to)
3. The truth of the cessation of suffering (there is a way to end suffering)
4. The truth of the path to end suffering (follow the 8 fold path)
Eight Fold Path
1. Right view
2. Right thought
3. Right speech
4. Right action
5. Right livelihood
6. Right effort
7. Right mindfulness
8. Right concentration
Five Precepts
1. Don't kill
2. Don't steal
3. Don't engage in sexual misconduct
4. Don't lie
5. Don't drink in excess*
If you’re Jack Kerouac and are writing a book about this stuff, you may even drop this precept all together. Of course, if you are Jack Kerouac, you died a number of years ago due to complications from alcoholism, so it’s probably best to keep this one in there.
Greg Derrett Handling System*
1. Always keep your eye on your dog
2. Handle with the arm and leg closest to the dog
3. Shoulders face in the dog’s direction of travel until the dog has committed to the obstacle
4. A front cross should be completed at the closest point to the next obstacle
5. Front crosses should only be completed where there is a change in direction
*as summarized in Clean Run magazine
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